The postpartum period is a wonderful and joyful experience, but it can also be challenging. Your body just birthed a whole human! So, while you’re adjusting to your new role, your body is also recovering. I don’t know about you, but I certainly had some perineal discomfort after birth, and my nurses made something for me that helped so much in my long walks to the NICU after my birth. These DIY ice diapers (soooo much better than padsicles in my opinion) are so easy to make and they take comfort to a whole new level. I’d love to show (and tell) you how to make them so your healing can be sped up too!
If you’re a video gal, check out this “how to make ice diaper” tiktok video version!
Let me first explain why I think think ice diapers are better than padsicles for postpartum recovery:
`1. They’re a easy to make because if you’ve just had a baby, you’ll already have what you need on hand!
2. They make a comfortable and soft surface that absorbs all the moisture as the ice melts.
3. The best part, they stay cold WAY longer than the “traditional” padsicles, so fewer trips to change them out. They’re also colder to begin with, which really helps to numb the area!
How to make an Ice Diaper (aka, padsicles on steroids)

All you need is a newborn (or preemie) size diaper and some ice! The tucks pads (or aloe gel) is a nice addition, but not necessary for the benefit intended!
Step 1. Grab a diaper, crushed ice (it’s easier to pour into the opening), any “toppings” like tucks pads and aloe gel, and clean hands

Step 2. Open the tab end of the diaper like a chip bag.
Sounds simple enough, but visuals can be helpful for me, so here’s an example. It’s important that you open the tab end, you’ll see why in a few steps.

Step 3. Pour the crushed ice into the opening (you can shake it down as needed).
You can move some of the fluff inside to one side if needed, but it’s easy to grab it by the top and just shake the ice down if you need to. Smaller ice chunks are easier to pour and shuffle around.

Step 4. Fold the end, and close up with the tabs.
Once you have it filled to your ideal level with ice, you can adjust the ice placement if needed, then just fold down the end, and use the tabs to close it up.

Step 5. Add your “toppings”
Does anyone else feel like they’re making a subway sandwich with the tucks pads? They remind me of the … Ok, just me? Did I go too far? Sorry… just add your choice of tucks, aloe gel, or both!

That’s it! You’re all done and it’s ready to use! I never made these ahead of time because they lasted long enough that I wouldn’t need another for a while, and I didn’t end up needing several a day because it numbed really well for a long time – but I’m sure they can absolutely be made ahead of time for easier access!
Let me know if you’ve tried this, or if you will be trying it after birth! Did you have any amazing hacks for postpartum recovery?
If you’re in the postpartum period, and you are looking for a postpartum doula, check out some local doulas in this blog!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about booking a newborn session!