Snap, Click, Smile: Why Plagiocephaly Shouldn’t Stop You from Capturing Every Milestone

Snap, Click, Smile: Why Plagiocephaly Shouldn’t Stop You from Capturing Every Milestone

If you’re a parent, you know the drill: your phone’s memory is 90% baby photos, 10% everything else. From the first gummy smile to those wobbly first steps, every moment is worth a snap. But what happens when your little one gets a shiny new accessory—a helmet to treat plagiocephaly? Suddenly, you might find yourself…

Honored to Be Voted Rutherford County’s Best Photographer : A Heartfelt Thank You!
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Honored to Be Voted Rutherford County’s Best Photographer : A Heartfelt Thank You!

I can’t believe it! I am beyond honored and humbled to have been voted Rutherford County’s Best Photographer. When I first picked up a camera (as a kid!), it was out of a simple love for capturing moments, preserving memories, and telling stories through my lens. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that…

Nesting Bliss: Embarking on the Ultimate Babymoon Journey with Nashville’s Abundant Travel – Dream Vacations

Nesting Bliss: Embarking on the Ultimate Babymoon Journey with Nashville’s Abundant Travel – Dream Vacations

As expectant parents eagerly await the arrival of their bundle of joy, the concept of the “babymoon” may be an exciting topic. A babymoon is a pre-baby getaway designed to allow soon-to-be parents to relax and reconnect before the whirlwind of parenthood begins. In our local Nashville and surrounding (looking at you, Murfreesboro!) community, Abundant…

How to Prevent Mastitis (or at least lower your risk of getting it)

How to Prevent Mastitis (or at least lower your risk of getting it)

Breastfeeding (either by nursing or pumping) is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can sometimes come with its own set of challenges. One such challenge is mastitis – a painful condition that can occur during breastfeeding. Mastitis can make breastfeeding uncomfortable and may even lead some mothers to abandon it…

How to Make Padsicles BUT BETTER | My BEST Postpartum Recovery Tip, Make Ice Diapers Instead

How to Make Padsicles BUT BETTER | My BEST Postpartum Recovery Tip, Make Ice Diapers Instead

The postpartum period is a wonderful and joyful experience, but it can also be challenging. Your body just birthed a whole human! So, while you’re adjusting to your new role, your body is also recovering. I don’t know about you, but I certainly had some perineal discomfort after birth, and my nurses made something for…

Vanderbilt Birth Center for Personalized Care & Cozy Atmosphere

Vanderbilt Birth Center for Personalized Care & Cozy Atmosphere

Pregnancy is a time filled with decisions. Will your nursery have animals or airplanes? What color scheme will you use? What’s the nicest way to tell your partner that you will kick them in their sleep if they don’t stop stealing your body pillow? While you’re constantly asked to decide on the little things, unfortunately,…